Monday, November 2, 2009

Government's Role in Food Justice

Questions I responded to in a discussion related to the government's role in food justice after reading "In Defense of Food" (H.R 1523)...

1. Why do people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them?
I think people choose to eat foods that are unhealthy because these foods are usually readily available and pretty cheap. Also the food is manufactured with ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup that makes the taste better and more addictive.

2. What roles and responsibilities does the government play in framing your choices?
In framing our choices the government should not have any control as long as the consequences of those choices do not have a direct effect on others. The government should be responsible for providing unbiased, informative facts about food. They should also ensure that a monopoly is not created so the people have an equal opportunity to have access to the food that they choose to eat.


  1. I completely agree! I wonder what we can do to ensure that nutrious food is available for everyone. LOBBYING ANYBODY

  2. Dear sierra panera,

    Your picture of the food is cool, thats why I chose to read your blog. I agree with what you're saying about food as well. GOOD JOB!

  3. apart from your ideas(which i agree with) i think your whole blog is really well designed and think the picture is a really good addition to you blog!

  4. Sierra,
    You are right on :]. Everything you said is good, and you even got the monopoly part in there, which is what I brought up with like the last 4 people I read about, you where right on. Nice job.
